Reaching the hard to reach


UNHCR Jordan’s biometric cash assistance program for Syrian refugees

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UNHCR Jordan’s biometric cash assistance program for Syrian refugees

According to data from UNHCR Jordan, as of March 2017, 79% of registered Syrian refugees live outside of traditional refugee camps. These individuals are typically referred to as urban refugees. Compared to refugees living in camps, urban refugee populations are much harder to identify, which makes it challenging to provide them with the protection and services they need.

The phenomenon of urban refugees is not new or specific to Jordan. UNHCR Jordan’s approach, however, is new. The organization’s cash assistance program is the world’s first iris-scan cash assistance program for refugees. As of February 2017, UNHCR Jordan’s monthly cash assistance reached 30,000 of the most vulnerable Syrian families, totalling 135,783 Syrians. The cash assistance program is also remarkably cost-effective, with roughly $95 of $100 donated going directly to refugees.

Faculty Mentor

Kirstyn Koswin
Joseph Wong


Daniel Park
Elizabeth Assefa
Marin MacLeod
Natalie Boychuk

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